After a full day operating, we all rushed off to Government House to dine with the Governor. What a reception we received. The wide approach to the building’s portal was lined with young people, dressed in multi-colored attire to celebrate the various Cebu-area festivals. Girls in brilliant green and blue sequined costumes with pearl- and glass bead-studded headgear, accompanied by face-painted boys in traditional and native attire, danced for us in a welcome second to none. Inside, a string quartet played contemporary music. The governor, a young-looking woman of 55, greeted each member of the Rotaplast team. Dinner was buffet style, and in the Filipino fashion we’re starting to get used to, delicious. The governor’s speech was memorable. She genuinely expressed appreciation for the work the Rotaplast Team are doing for her people. The night was immensely entertaining. It was jam-packed with dancing and singing (including an excellent tenor), the string quartet, and the dancers celebrating Cebu festivals. A photo op with the Rotarians and their wives, and first-rate camaraderie, made for a wonderful evening. Later, the hospitality suite saw a few internet addicts crowded into the corner of the bedroom frustrated by “almost connected” signals from such wifi names as Mr. Grill (with aircon) and Mr. Grill (without aircon) – go figure!