Thriveni is a 23-year-old girl with severe burns over her upper torso and contractures to her right shoulder and right wrist. She was injured when she was 13 years old by a fire from a kerosene stove that ignited her scarf and clothing and she has lived with scars and pain for the last 10 years.

In 2009 Rotaplast surgeons released her neck contractures, treated burns on her arm, and she has returned to have the contractures released on her arm and wrist.  The hope is that the surgery should give her some use of her right arm and hand.

Thriveni and her mother traveled 90 kilometers to be here for the Rotaplast surgery. She was educated through 9th standard (11th Grade), and has improved her English from the internet, magazines, and television. She helps her family with the housework, and says she is a really good cook!

The Surgery started at about 5:30 pm and was not completed until 11:00 pm. It was a long process IMG_4021 of relieving the contractures and reconstructing those areas. A skin graft was taken from her stomach and used on her wrist, and arm. Several rods were inserted to keep her wrist in place. It was amazing to watch the skill of Dr. Rebecca Jackson, Dr. Oyun Garid, and the rest of the medical team in action! The end result should help this wonderful young lady have a better quality of life.

Earlier during the day I had told Thriveni I would be with her in the operating room and be there when she woke up after if she wanted me to. She said she would like that, so I stayed in the room during the surgery, and was there when she woke up.

She pointed to her right shoulder and asked,"Did they do surgery on this arm?" I replied yes. Then she pointed to her right wrist and asked," Did they do surgery to this arm?" I again replied, yes. Then she said,"ok, thank you" and went back to sleep.

I can't imagine the pain this young lady has gone through from her burns, and her willingness to have the surgery done knowing there will be more pain is so brave of her.
Thriveni has a wonderful sense of humor, and a great attitude. It was a real joy to meet her.