This amazing OR team with their extraordinary professional skills have been delivering smiles to the faces of children and parents non-stop since we arrived in Bangladesh.

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At the mid-point of the mission, the energy level remains high while the team continues to function like a well-oiled machine.  We depart the hotel at 6:30AM every morning and caravan in three vans to the hospital. A quick review of the daily schedule typically reveals fifteen surgeries are planned with the patients having arrived the night before. From hospital arrival to departure, the days are a minimum of ten hours and frequently longer for the OR teams.  

Apart from their extraordinary professional skills, this is a thoroughly dedicated and committed medical team.  Its 28 members have a combined total of over 200 international missions.


Rotaplast specializes in transforming smiles and improving the quality of childrens' lives. Meet Fahim and Rafi:


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Fahim, just waking up in this mother's arms after the procedure

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Fahim, 8 months, just prior to surgery to repair his cleft lip












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Rafi, 6 months, "resting up" for his upcoming procedure 

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Rafi, "fired up and ready to go" after a successful procedure











 Mission Team Profiles:


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(L to R) Anesthesiologist Dr. Michael Johnston, MD (Kapaa, Hawaii) and Surgeon Dr. Bradley Coots, MD (Gering, Nebraska)


James Taylor, Photojournalist