DSC_1049Durjo, 8 years old was born premature. At 7 days old, he was in a hospital nursery along with two other infants, an oxygen mask covering each little face.  One day, the electricity went out which is a common occurrence.  A candle was lit in the nursery and caught fire to nearby gauze bandages.  As the fire spread, the oxygen masks each went up in flames.  Two of the three babies died. Durjo survived.DSC_1034Durjo is a happy lovely little boy. He and his mother share a laugh during check in.  They heard about Rotaplast after surgeries began and traveled an hour and a half to get here.DSC_1047

DSC_0276Durjo no longer goes to school. His classmates bullied him because of the burn scars on his face.  While some of his scars and discoloration will not go away, Rotaplast surgeon, Jann released contractures around his nostril.DSC_0302Durjo rests comfortably under the watchful eye of his mother.