Today we were thanked more than we could count. Everywhere we stepped, people thanked us for coming and changing lives. But it is we who give thanks for the ability to do so. This morning we were treated to a Thanksgiving breakfast – complete with decorations and pumpkin pie! And although we are far from our loved ones at home, it was time get about the business we came for. The OR has been set up, PACU ready, and the patients are in the ward.  We will take it easy today – take our time and make sure we get it right.

Yesterday at clinic we saw over 70 potential patients. More will walk-in during the week. We can not operate on them all. Some are sick, some are inoperable-many because they are anemic. All are in our hearts.

We’ll take this opportunity today to show you the beautiful people we met at clinic. Look to further posts to see our team in action, and to learn a little about the people whose lives are impacted by the generosity of Rotaplast donors – like Rotary Districts 7450 and 7430 who sponsored this trip, and our hosts, the Rotary Club of Delhi Vasant Valley and the Sarvodaya Hospital. We here in Faridabad truly all give thanks to those who support missions like this one.

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Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
