A big smile from mission director Tom Fox first thing in the morning on Day 6 in Lima. Rotarians El Rimac, Elisa Gavidia de Levano and Carmen de Fernandez-Dainla have been nothing short of wonderful throughout the entire mission. These women have fed us every day and kept everyone in good spirits.

DSC_2161Pediatricians Dr. Greg Shay and Dr.Liz Hawkes are thrilled to be able to discharge Johan who had his palate repaired yesterday.

DSC_2299Baby Gabriel has a very wide cleft lip that will be repaired today. Dr. Tantri will do Gabriel’s surgery, and says that although it is quite wide, the team can close it with no problems.

DSC_2190Back in the pediatrics ward, coordinator Sue Fox keeps patients entertained and happy with just one of her many tricks in the bag – bubbles.

DSC_2220Anesthesiologist Dr. Annette Keochekian flashes a smile alongside Angel, a 13-year-old who is about to go back to the operating room for his palate revision surgery.

DSC_2305Baby Gabriel is ready to go into surgery. His father kisses him goodbye and places him in the arms of Dr. Dasti who assures him that he will be taken care of. This moment always proves to be difficult, but Rotaplast volunteers are so gentle and caring with the children that even the most apprehensive parents feel confident that their children are getting the best medical care in the world.

DSC_2353Another successful day of operations nears an end with Leslie Purchase, MD assisting Dr. Jim Lehman with a cleft repair.