What a night in Udaipur! After a successful screening clinic, the Rotaplast Team was invited to the Rotary House near the lakeshore in this lovely city.
There was a formal greeting, similar to what the team received on arrival at the hotel earlier in the visit.
The team then received special greetings from the club at the start of the meeting.
Rotary in India includes lighting an incense candle in honor of those observant Hindu members of the club. Our team leader, Steve Altmayer, was given the honor of assisting to light the opening candles.
Rotary District Governor Elect for District 3050 (India) Mr. Ratnesh Kashyap, met with Team member Doug Everett who is the District Governor Nominee for District 5060.
Mr. Kashyap told the club that the Rotaplast visit sponsored in part by District 5060, was motivating the Udaipur Club and his District to sponsor another Rotaplast visit in 2013.
Gifts were exchange, as is the Rotary Tradition - Tom Lathen, Sunnyside Daybreak Rotary presented an heirloom book of Rotary History – published in 1955 – as a gift from his club.
After a long day of clinic, it was evident that Rotarians, and team members were tired, so good nights were offered, and the team retired for the evening to prepare for another day of surgery. However, it was also evident that the cultural exchange between India, Canada, and US (Rotaplast team members) was a significant part of the success of this visit.