In an earlier blog entry I introduced you to Marina. Marina stood out from the crowd because of her beautiful vibrant dress. Marina, age 7 and her father Rolando, age 29 traveled over 9 hours by bus to arrive at the hospital. During Marina’s surgery I had the opportunity to speak with her father Rolando through a spanish interpreter. He said they learned of Rotaplast and the mission through Marina’s school teacher. The school teacher came across the ad in a newspaper that was placed by our gracious hosts and local Rotary Club of La Asunción in Guatemala City.


Contently coloring in pre-op.



Left to Right: Dr. Adam, Dr. Ricardo, Lori – RN, Dr. Ed


Marina and I in the hospital hallway just before she leaves.


Marina and her father Rolando.

Marina looking at the photo I gave her of the first picture I took of her on pre-clinic. When I first met Rolando and Marina, Rolando asked me for a picture of his daughter pre-op. On their last day at the hospital I gave Rolando the picture of Marina. He was more than appreciative for not only the photo but also for our help in restoring Marina’s beautiful smile.



Walking hand to hand leaving the hospital.