Gunnu, an adorable, shy five-year old had the honor of being our first patient of the mission. She is the youngest of four children in the family and the only one with a cleft anomaly. The family moved to Faridabad from another state in India so her father could find work. He is a laborer in a chemical factory and saw an advertisement in the local newspaper announcing the Rotaplast mission.
When I first saw Gunnu at the opening clinic, she was hiding her face in her mother’s lap. Although really shy in the group setting, her parents said that she’s active with friends. Fortunately, they do not tease her. That’s not always the case for children with clefts. Mom was brought into the post-op recovery room to help ease her transition out of anesthesia.
Dr. Gagan Sabharwal gave her a new smile that will make a huge difference in her life. I was hoping to have a photo to illustrate the dramatic change but little Gunnu has been sleeping the entire afternoon. Check back later on a following post, you will be amazed.