Imagine living and working nearly 12 hours from where your youngest son lives with his severe facial deformity that so affects his self image. Fortunately your eldest son who is 28 is managing the care of young Aiko but there doesn’t seem to be much hope for Aiko’s future. He has quit school twice because he was being bullied and he is falling behind in his studies. Then your son Junjun finds out about Rotaplast from a flyer and a referral and now the family has a new opportunity that could change their lives forever.

Here we see Aiko with his mother Irene in the the pre operation ward.Junjun brings Aiko to the clinic for an evaluation and then once Aiko was approved for surgery his mother traveled the 12 hours to sign the papers for surgery and to be with her son.

Anton Florendo, Cebu Rotaplast founder comforts Aiko in the pre op ward. For Anton, this is what Rotaplast and Rotary is all about. Working together to make a difference, one child at a time.

Anton Florendo, Past District Governor and founder of the Cebu Rotaplast missions and Evelyn Abad, Mission Director share a moment in celebration with Babante before his surgery.

OR Nurse Yipi Yang comes for Aiko and examines him before leading him to the operating room.

Aiko receiving anesthesia in the OR.

Aiko with his mother and members from the Cebu Rotary Club celebrating the 1,000th patient helped during this Milestone Mission.
For Aiko this is the beginning of new possibilities. For his mother and brother the work and love of family life can be more normal, filled with hope and a bright future that everyone deserves.

A child waits in the Pre Op ward, awaiting life changing surgery.

A mother and child hold each other in the Post Op ward after surgery.

Mother and child enjoy a quiet time for recuperation after surgery.