Today three more babies were brought into clinic. All had cleft lips and will be added to our surgery schedule later in the week.
Tizata has been so helpful and efficient on our mission. She is responsible for our clinic patients when they arrive for evaluation scheduling them for surgery and their post-op care until discharge. She is pictured here with Dr. Angelo Capozzi, surgeon and medical director, and Paulette McHugh, head nurse. Tizata has been with CURE Hospital for several years and lives close enough to be able to walk to work.
Dr. Sibrand Schepel, Dr. Jenny Parker and Head Nurse Paulette McHugh’s 2nd surgery of surgery day 6.
These three mothers brought their children to us on Thursday, all the way from Gondar, 1000 km north of Addis-the last day for new patients to have surgery-which happened on Friday. Our team was excited to see them. They were told about our mission and a rare opportunity to have their children’s cleft lips repaired by Dr. Rick Hedes. Dr Hedes is an Internist who has a clinic every Saturday at the Addis Ababa CURE hospital.
Here are the three babies from Gondar! All three were operated upon on our last surgery day. The mothers are happy and very thankful for having been given the opportunity for such miracles. They will be discharged shortly and start their long (1000km) journey home.
Our two head nurses! They made a great team and worked well together.
Moat will eat the traditional Einjera-but the Rotaplast will eat the three on the end for our weak stomachs!