Mission Director Randy Floyd carries a young girl into surgery.
The surgeries continue on Friday. The team has gelled in the last three days, and an already smooth operation is humming along.

Richard Loftus, a Santa Clara County Superior Court judge, is in charge of sterilizing instruments.
Each day 17 miracles happen.

Translator and San Jose Rotarian Carmen Sigler plays with a patient before his surgery.

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Nan Madden examines a child before surgery.

Translator Carmen Sigler and Lead Pediatrician Paula Rand treat a child in the recovery room (PACU).

A father comforts his daughter in the PACU after surgery.

Colleen Wynne of Los Altos, CA holds a child after cleft palate repair.

A mother and her happy baby in the overnight ward after surgery.

This child plays with pipe cleaners in his ward bed.
While it might be April Fool’s Day in Retalhuleu, no tricks were played, unless you count making miracles happen. This very serious and highly complex work continued all day, but the whole Rotaplast team moved lightly and efficiently, joking and enjoying the good cheer of new friends and old colleagues working together, doing rewarding work.

Surgeons James Hoyt (left), Medical Director Rod Simonds and Surgeon Ron Worland relax between patients.
At the end of the day, everyone looked forward to an evening of relaxation, good food and a solid sleep.