Marianne Koebrugge (sterilizer) on the left, Kristin Koch (occupational therapist) in the middle and Elizabeth Brown (PACU nurse) on the right.
Everybody needed to settle down on Wednesday because this is the day we started operating. Here you can see what some of the team members did.
Bernard Thio (pediatrician) is doing a final check up with the patients before they go to surgery.
In the OR everyone is at their job. Things really come together when working with those experienced professionals. Ilse Hendriks (anesthesiologist) on the left checks the patient and Gina (OR nurse) does some cleaning for the surgeon. This patient has scars from severe burns and cannot lift up and stretch out her arm and hand. Rotaplast surgeon Jann Johnson and Sibrand Schepel (Medical Director) are doing the skin transplantation and correction.
A local OR nurse and anesthesiologist are helping out and learning from our team.
Learning is important. The team educates and demonstrates the fine things on the job to the local medicals. Here you see Ron Gemberling (surgeon) and Kristin Koch (occupational therapist) explaining about the gloves procedure.
Check, check, double check. Kim Capps (head nurse) is checking up and discussing with Sibrand Schepel for the game plan and schedules.
The patient is moved to the recovery room. Territory of Paula Fillari (lead PACU nurse) and Elizabeth Brown (PACU nurse). Around the bed (checking and handing over the details of this little patient) are from left to right Jan Bos (head anesthesiologist), Gregory Shay (pediatrician), Paula and Elizabeth, Gina and Ilze.
-Ruben Veldman, The Netherlands