Sleeping is no longer as it was for Restuta.
Two years ago, it was a cold winter in June. The Tarimo family warmed themselves by the fire. Mother Restuta remembered it well. Her youngest daughter was lying comfortably on a mattress that was placed closest to the fire. At 5 o’clock hell broke loose, because the mattress and her little daughter Sharoon caught fire. The little girl burned part of her head, her arm and her hand.
Sharoon suffered second degree burns and it is painful. Sometimes the scars are still painful. Sharoon has endured scar tissue contractures up her arm and as a result has lost the use of her right hand.
She has three sisters and her father is a plumber. Sharoon really wants to play again with her sisters and her father. At home they have no cows, chickens and nor (vegetable) garden (Bustani). All the food they need must be bought, which costs a lot.
Restuta finds it incredible that they were helped for free. Asante Sana! (thank you).
-Ruben Veldman, The Netherlands