As the mission winds down the team gets their final instructions for the closing clinic. Surgeons, pediatricians, and nurses examine their patients for the final time and answer questions that the parents, grandparents and sometimes even aunts and uncles may have. The rest of the team, spends time with the patients while they wait to be seen by a doctor. After photos are taken, charts are organized and boxes are being packed.

Dr. Capozzi said, “the closing clinic was so gratifying, during the last 2 days we operated on 105 patients and 102 came back for closing clinic.”

Victoria,  “my love to you and the children”, love Victoria / AKA Minnie.

maria-before-and-after-2015Maria in 2015 Before and after, she will need 2 more surgeries.


Marie 2016 Before


Maria after she will need 1 more surgery.

jose-beforeJose before.

jose-afterJose after.

jiserel-beforeJiserel before.

jiserel-afterJiserel after.


Lisa, ” the most rewarding is the laughter you hear, and the confidence the children show when they arrive at closing clinic. And how thankful the parents are. I’m the thankful one for being able to bring happiness into their lives.”