The highlight of the evening was the presentation to PDG Anton Florendo, of the Rotaplast Global Humanitarian Award. Evelyn Abad made the presentation in behalf of Rotaplast International, Inc.. The award presentation was accompanied by a video tribute to Anton from Donna-Lee Young Rubin, Rotaplast CEO.
We were greeted at the dinner by Anton Florendo, Rotary Director of the Mission, Sam Tiu, current President of the Rotary Club of Port Center, and Counseler Nilo Seno, representing the City of Mandaue.
Toby Florendo acted as the Master of Ceremonies
Our Sterilizer, Joe Grasso, giving advice on investments to Sangita Seshadri, Medical records, Susan Dean, OR nurse, and Heidi Hall, our Recreation Therapist.Theresa Rezendes, PACU assistant, Mark Tidyman, Anesthesiologist, Victoria Slama, OR nurse, Michael Johnson, Evelyn, and Helen Vajk, AnesthesiologistHelen Vajk, Anesthesiologist, Evelyn Abad, Mission Director and Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Cebu Port Center, and Debbie Dean, OR nurse
Mia Pena, Head Nurse, with Rod Simonds, Medical DirectorTeam clowns, Ted Alex, Ward Coordinator, and Juan Gallego, QuartermasterJeanne Petro, Head PACU Nurse, Bryan Stamm, Lead Pediatrician, and Jenny Parker, AnesthesiologistGary Nangle, Patient Transporter, and Brad Coots, Plastic SurgeonJim Hoyt, Plastic Surgeon, Tracy Liu, PACU Nurse, and Christine Hodgson, PediatricianThe greatest sacrifice of the evening was made by the PIG. Our entire team had been waiting to see and eat the famous Lechon!Evelyn Abad and Lily FlorendoThe evening was concluded with a picture of our Rotaplast Team along with the members of the Rotary Club of Cebu Port Center and their spouses.