Team Agra 2017: Bottom row: Pam Dundas (Head Nurse), Dennis Dundas (Medical Director), Brian Walker (Mission Director), Chelsea Green (Recreation Therapist), Sophie Saucedo (Patient Transporter). Middle row: Marguerite Fleming (Photo Journalist), Neal Fleming (Lead Anesthesiologist), Jeannie Petro (PACU Nurse), Paula Fillari (Lead PACU Nurse), Renee Paquier (PACU Assistant), Abha Goel (Pediatrician). Top row: Devi Tantri (Surgeon), Michael Yim (Anesthesiologist), Bryan Stamm (Lead Pediatrician), Sharron Newton (OR Nurse), Lianna Hooper (OR Nurse), Steve Hooper (Sterilizer), Paul Kupras (Quartermaster), Suresh Pahwa (Medical Records).
Suresh Pahwa next to one of the many signs and billboards posted by the Rotarians of Agra to solicit patients for us.
Suresh Pahwa registers patients and makes sure all their paperwork is in order. He is responsible for keeping accurate records for all patients for the entire trip. Here he is going over the schedule with Sophie Saucedo.
Next, photos are taken of each patient. The PACU nurses then take vital signs – weight, pulse, blood pressure, respirations, oxygen saturation and a hemoglobin count necessary before surgery.
Paula Fillari checks this child’s blood oxygen level.
Jeannie Petro checks the oxygen level on this infant.
Suruchi Sabharwal comforts the baby after their hemoglobin check.
The patient then see the surgeons (Devi Tantri right, Dennis Dundas (bottom right) and anesthesiologist who will evaluate their need for surgery and decide on a treatment plan.
Pediatricians Abha Goel and Bryan Stamm evaluate each patient to be sure they are healthy enough for surgery. If everyone is in agreement, the patient will be scheduled for surgery. If there is a health concern, we will try to address the problem and have the patient return towards the end of our trip, or encourage them to return next year.
Pam Dundas and Brian Walker discuss the surgery schedule.
After clinic, anesthesiologists, OR and PACU nurses set up the OR’s and recovery room.
Tomorrow, we begin!