Neetesh has such beautiful eyes.  She was born with a cleft lip which was successfully repaired.

Neetesh is sleeping soundly after her surgery.

Nikhil’s Birthday wishes came true with the surgery on his hand by Dr. Solis.

Nikhil, his Grandmother & Dr. Solis.

Before the patients are taken to the operating room, the anesthesiologist explains to the patient or the parent about what is going to happen.  Then the patients are taken into the operating room wrapped in their new blanket for a new beginning.

Dr. Sully entertains Kamna, with a flashing light ball as he heads to the operating room.

Dr. Anderson cuddles his patient as he heads for surgery.

Dr. Payne looks on as Nurse Shawna McDonald takes Prinishi to surgery.

Ten months ago, 27 year old Dharmendra was making bracelets when there was an explosion and fire that burned his neck, chest and right hand.  He is having problems swallowing.

Dharmendra and his mother and sister await surgery.

He picked out his own blanket, one that was made by Dr. Fleming’s mother’s church, Colonial Church of Prairie Village, Kansas.

Dr. Betancur examines Dharmendra’s neck as Dr. Leake and Dr. McCulloch look on. All looks well.

Eight months ago, Boby was making some tea when he went to light the gas stove and there was an explosion.  He suffered burns over his upper body.  He used to work at a clothing store.  He has a wife and three boys, 20, 18 & 9 years old.

Boby awaits surgery.

The surgeries continue tomorrow.  Stay tuned.