The Rotary Club El Rimac members have been, and continue to be, wonderful hosts. We are frequently treated to meals and snacks courtesy of the Club, and this weekend we took a special trip that acquainted us with further aspects of Peru.
At 10a.m. on Sunday, we departed our hotel via the bus that transports us to and from the hospital. This time, though, we drove 40 minutes through Lima to our destination at Pachacamac.
On the way we passed slums and mansions, which lack the separation we associate with low and high income housing in America. We drove along the coast and watched the outstretched ocean peppered with oil tankers and huge waves.
We reached Pachacamac and were fortunate enough to partake in a guided tour of the archaeological site that offers pre-Inca ruins. We visited the highest pyramid and hiked a path that ended with a gorgeous ocean view. After a fantastic experience, we piled back into the bus and headed into the city again.
We stopped at Caballos Peruanos to meet the Caballos de Paso: Peru's famous dancing horses. We were granted a special private presentation where five horses twirled, stepped and hopped for us. Afterward we were allowed to feed them carrots and the bravest of us even went for a ride.
Our last stop was Brisas de Titicaca, a restaurant in a region of Lima known for its artistic residents. Brisas de Titicaca features traditional Peruvian music and dance. We dined on delicious dishes while enjoying the dinner show and took to the dance floor with the Rimac Rotarians.
We returned to our hotel invigorated and reenergized to continue our mission, and eternally grateful to the Rotary Club El Rimac for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.