CUTIE PIE AGAIN Cutie Pie and MomRotaplast volunteers completely fell in love with Youssef.  An adorable and easy-going six month old little boy, Youssef was born with both a cleft lip and palate.  From the local village of el- Osariat, Sohag. Youssef's mother learned of Rotaplast through Sohag case workers who visit small villages throughout the region.

Like many of our patients for the Rotaplast Egypt mission, Youssef and his mother traveled over three hours to visit The Sohag Faculty of Medicine so that Rotaplast surgeons doctors could evaluate his condition.   Marwa, Youssef's mother is happy to hear the news that her little boy will receive the surgery.

Paul Fogle, Ph.D. (playing with Youssef) with University of Pacific in Stockton is a speech pathologist and Rotaplast volunteer. Paul works with children of all ages to evaluate their speech structure and provide guidance to parents so that they help their children develop language properly.  Speech development can never begin to early.