I saved this article about the medical staff for last. I have been with them from the first day clinic to the last day of surgery, photographing each team in action. I have such a deep respect for every member of the medical team, for their amazing talent, and professionalism, for volunteering their time and skills to change the lives of so many, and for the compassion they show to every one of their patients.
Equipment Sterilizer – Rotarian Kimberly Vellenkamp is responsible for sterilizing all of the surgical equipment for 3 surgery teams, a big job! Kim always greets you with a big smile and jokingly told me, "I can't believe I volunteered to do this job, I don't even clean my own house!"
Anesthesiologist – Dr. Norma Klein, Dr. Divya Chandra, Dr. Basavaraj Nagappala , and, Annette Chenevey – CRNA are responsible for the patients' health during surgery and constantly monitor the condition of each patient through surgery and into recovery. Their concern for every patient was heartwarming.
OR Nursing Staff – Head Nurse Diane Mohan, Carol Hager, Johanna Jagil, and, Rosemarie Richer have the pressure cooker job of assisting the surgeons in the operating rooms, and appear to be cool, calm, and collected, during every procedure. They are very good at their jobs, and keep everything running smoothly in the OR.
Recovery Room Staff – Cynthia Ideker RN, Anne Meier Pryzbylkowski ARNP, and Cheryl McBeth Volunteer stabilize each patient after surgery and prepare them to go to post-op. They get the joy of seeing many a tearful reunion when the parent sees their child for the first time after surgery.
Pediatricians – Dr. Collin Yong and Dr. Mary McBeth have the monumental task of checking each patient to make sure they are healthy enough for surgery, checking each patient in recovery to make sure they are healthy enough to transport to post-op and checking on the condition of patients in post-op.
Post-op – Rotarian Vicky Wallace is in charge of post-op. She checks in on each patient, alerts the medical staff of any problems, and tries to keep the families as comfortable as possible.
Surgeons – Dr. Rebbeca Jackson, Dr. Oyun Garid, and Dr. Sudarshan Reddy, are just plain amazing! What they do truly changes the lives of their patients and gives them a chance at a better life. With many missions between them, they have changed the lives of hundreds of people and exemplify the true meaning of Service Above Self.