Rotaplast mission Agra 2023
At 05:00 we leave from the airport with a bus to the hotel. And after a long drive of 4 hours we arrive there. It is then 09:15 and we first have breakfast. We have a lot of respect for our team members from America. They have completed a journey of more than 20 hours and yet continue steadily. After breakfast the rooms are divided and it is time for the tour around the hospital and press conference at the Ravi Unity Hospital in Firozabad.
Rotaplast Agra 2023 mission press conference
The Rotary club Agra Taj Mahal, Rotary club Firozabad and Rotary club Shikohabad representative Rahul Wadhwa indicates to the press that a lot of campaigning has already happened and Sibrand Schepel (Medical Director), Brian Walker (Mission Director) and Angelo Capozzi (founder of Rotaplast International) tell the press about the history, the team and the medical approach of the further mission in Agra. There is a lot of press present and it is a great start to our Agra mission.
After the press conference, we return to finalize the room allocation and to have an early lunch/dinner. The quartermaster Gerard van Dalen goes to the hospital with Jan Bos, Ard Hengeveld and Ruben Veldman to store the 33 boxes in the hospital and to pack some stuff.
This evening we yearn for a few hours of sleep to start fresh again tomorrow. That will be the day of the intake and screening. A hectic day where we expect 100-200 patients with severe burning scare tissue.