As the mission progresses we begin to see the successes. Faces of fear and anticipation, punctuated by untreated clefts are transformed by the skill of our medical team and supporting volunteers. Each of us has met kids too adorable for words and witnessed the impact our work has on entire families. Your support is making it happen. Thank you. And we still have two more days of surgeries.
Jerry Meshulam
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Oaxaca, Mexico
It was a beautiful day when we arrived at 7:30 AM from our bumpy bus trip from Oaxaca City. Our patient transfer group felt very confident as we had a very good idea of where the important places, people, ... Read More »
Oaxaca, Mexico
It is always with a certain amount of excitement and trepidation that one approaches a new Rotaplast Mission. Unknown conditions, a new country, an unfamiliar hospital and a whole newly configured t... Read More »
Oaxaca, Mexico
Months or even years of anticipation lead up to the day for surgery. Some families have traveled up to eight hours by bus to reach the hospital. Once the surgeon, anesthesiologist and OR nurses have comple... Read More »