From our first day in Barquisimeto, Rotary president Enedina Suárez has been there in the clinic welcoming everyone in her warm and friendly way – our sunshine lady. Her ever-present lists are being checked to see that the patients who were called two days prior to surgery have arrived.
This is her year as president of Valle de Turbio (1 of 6 clubs in the city). At the meeting that eight of us attended last evening, at the Principe Hotel, the twenty members, 10 ladies and 2 gentlemen, discussed projects besides their Rotaplast involvement.
The nutrition projects, transportation services for patients young and old and clean water are similar to what we have going in the USA. This Wednesday they will bring homemade lunch for 40 patients and their families – quite an undertaking. We were introduced to the president-elect, VP and incoming asst. district governor and two of the four dentistas.
Upcoming conferences were discussed for PETS, leadership and district. President Enedina and her members were very welcoming and lots of fun.
Dentista Gary Howard
Past President Rotary Club of Yarmouth, Maine
District 7780