The seven Rotarians from Maine can’t believe how it’s 88 degrees on December 1st, considering that we have already had snow in October this year.  But we’ll take it!

More activity all day.  Our English-French interpreter Montana Mathieu, who is also the Program and Development Assistant at Rotaplast headquarters, and her Watchi-French translator Brandon, from the town of Afagnan, were critical in helping our patients understand their treatment.  Below is a picture of  Brandon explaining pre-op information to a patient scheduled for surgery.Day6and7 brandon

We all know how tiring it can be to sit and wait for medical treatment, but patient transporter Leonard Seagren always figures out a way to keep people entertained.  He’s now a yo-yo expert, and can often be seen driving his Nascar wheelchair, with a child on his lap. He has been looking for an excuse to be a kid again, and we think he has found his calling. He’s well-placed on the team!


More surgeries today: cleft lips and palates, skin grafts for burn patients, tumor removal, and follow-up for patients treated earlier in the week.  We’ve seen some amazing work by our three anesthesiologists Michael, Sule and Helen.  There are some tough challenges with very small babies and they have always been up to the task.  Nice!

  Day6and7 smiles

Our surgical instruments and equipment are obviously critical to our mission.  Luckily we had Quartermaster Jim Price ‘at the ready’ when a quick repair was needed in the middle of a hand surgery. He’s pictured below, saving the day. 


At 5:15 p.m. all of the Rotarians on the team departed for dinner with the oldest Rotary Club of Lome, Togo.  It was an 80-mile round trip on some challenging roads.  Four hours driving time – ouch!  (And I mean that literally).  It was interesting to connect with fellow Rotarians and we thank our Togolese hosts for their gracious invitation.  We were home after midnight and with surgeries early in the morning it seemed best to submit this blog a bit late.


The children are recovering and the new smiles are being realized.

It was a good day.