This young man lives in a small village near Cumana, Venezuela and only recently heard about Rotaplast’s visit to Cumana. He arrived at the very end of our Clinic on Tuesday and was operated on today with remarkable success.
The surgical team supporting Dr David Low includes: Jaime Chavez (translator); Jeff Laird (OR Nurse); Carmen Rondon (OR Nurse); Dr David Low (Surgeon); Dr Scott Cook-Sather (Anesthesiologist)
This 3-year-old boy was born with a cleft palate. His surgery is called palatoplasty and is a procedure used to correct or reconstruct the palate (the roof of the mouth). The basic goals of the procedure are to close the abnormal opening between the nose and mouth, to help the patient develop normal speech, and to aid in swallowing, breathing and normal development of associated structures in the mouth. His mother was delighted with the results of the surgery.