Our 23-member volunteer team arrived Tuesday at the Retired Service Personnel Hospital and were greeted by hospital staff and members of the Myanmar Ministry of Health in Nay Pyi Taw. Dr. Angelo Capozzi, Medical Director, arrives with Rotaplast volunteers at the hospital, and is introduced to Dr. Ka Ka Than by acting Medical Superintendent, Dr. Win Pa Pa Win (center, wearing red dress).
Nursing staff from the hospital are introduced to one of the Rotaplast OR nurses, Sharron Newton, R.N.
Dr. Debra Johnson is greeted with infectious smiles by hospital staff. Below, Dr. Khin Maung, Deputy Director for The Ministry of Health and Dr. Angelo Capozzi discuss logistics before starting the clinic.
Dr. Khin Maung, Deputy Director for The Ministry of Health and Dr. Angelo Capozzi discuss logistics before starting the clinic.
Patients, eager to be seen, wait outside the Pre-Screening Room, on Tuesday, August 25.
Pre-screening began immediately for people who had traveled from far away. Potential patients were seen for cleft lip, cleft palate, burns, lesions, and some deformities of the face and head. Some patients had traveled from over 300 miles to see our team of physicians. Pediatrician Sheila Mackell, M.D. gives the thumbs up to this boy’s heartbeat.
Doctors examine burn scars of Kay Thin Khaing and she reacts to the news of her treatment being scheduled.