Rotarian and humanitarian Vince Rubin passed away five years ago, and together with his wife Donna-Lee Rubin, provided many years of leadership to the Rotaplast story. This mission is in honor of Vince’s life, Filipino heritage and his passing five years ago.

In addition to honoring Vince Rubin, the Rotary Club of Cebu is celebrating the 1,000th patient helped, Aiko Abante during this Milestone Mission. Cebu Club Rotarians Al Alcibar, Larry Lelina, Romy Toledo are seated with Aiko Babante after his surgery.

Each day we arrive at the hospital by 6:30 AM and get started. Here, Dr. Brad Coots operates with assistance from Mia Pena, RN.

Anesthesiologist, Helen O’Keeffe Vajk watches over the patients vital signs.

Once the patients have had surgery they recover in the recovery area where they can be watched carefully. Here Lead PACU Nurse , Jeannie Petro oversees the patient records as the patient recovers from anesthesia.

Parents and child rest in the post op ward and enjoy the hand made quilts provided by Wrap A Smile. With nearly 30 volunteers the Rotaplast Team is providing a watchful eye and support on all floors and recovery areas in Miller Hospital.

Once patients are stabilized they go to post op ward. Dr. Bryan Stamm examines a patient in the post op ward checking for stable vital signs.

Patient and father wait for surgery on the top floor access ramp to get some fresh air.

Mother and child in the waiting area before seeing the pediatrician in anticipation of surgery. The waiting area was set up for the Rotaplast mission in the gymnasium on the top floor of the hospital.

Child engages Lisa Collin, volunteer photographer while waiting for a final examination before surgery.

Surgeons Dr. Rod Simonds and Dr. Frank Walchak proceed with the operation. Three operating rooms were in full swing with a team that includes, surgeons Rod Simonds, Medical Director for the mission, Bradley Coots, Ron Worland and Anesthesiologists, Michael Johnson, Iskra Ivanova, Stephen Carlson, and Helen O’Keeffe Vajk.

Mother and child, post surgery enjoy some time together and a fast recovery from the cleft lip procedure.

A child is examined by Dr. Frank Walchak in recovery following surgery.

Dr. Bryan Stamm examining a patient and conferring with Mia Pena prior to surgery.

Patient baby snuggling with her mother prior to surgery.

Daughter and mother, happily enjoying some recuperative time in the post op ward before being discharged the day after surgery. By the end of the day we had completed 15 surgeries and were ready to discharge some patients. The full cycle is complete and all teams are now in full swing, working well together and happy to be part of the mission and its accomplishments; improving the health, and futures for young people who’s whole lives ahead of them are full of possibility.