Months and weeks before our mission, supplies and equipment are assembled at Rotaplast’s San Francisco warehouse by Pete Ogilvie our warehouse manager. Thirty-six boxes will be transported to the San Francisco airport to accompany our team to the Philippines.
We team members are always happy when assembling at the airport to see those we have worked with on previous missions. Here is Mark Tidyman from Oakland, an Anesthesiologist I worked with 10 years ago in LaAroya, Peru, and Victoria Slama
Success ! After the 14 hour flight from SFO to Manila, then a one hour flight to Cebu, all of us and the 36 boxes have arrived to meet our Rotary hosts.
The Rotary Club of Cebu Port Center has hosted our Rotaplast Missions for 15 years. This year our mission is sponored by Rotary District 7930 in Boston and the Rotary Club of San Francisco. We will now be taken to our Hotel for some needed rest and plan for our pre-screen clinic tomorrow.