Our Rotaplast International mission consists of a medical team with deep credentials.
Surgeons: Medical Director/Surgeon, David Low, Surgeon, Milton Solis, Surgeon, David Morwood, Surgeon
Anesthesiologists: Lead Anesthesiologist, Ann Bailey, Sheila Wong, John Lydon, Huong Le Nguyen
Lead pediatrician: Barbara Rumberger
Head nurse: James Galloway
OR Nurses: Gina Brown, Maryann McKenzie, Rosemarie Ricker
Lead PACU nurse: Sandy Stabile
PACU nurse: Luzviminda Accos
Pediatric NP: Nan Madden
Speech pathologist: Marlene Salas-Provance
Medical records: Shishir Doctor
PACU Assistant: Kelly Nose
Patient transport: Richard Loftus, Jr.
Quartermaster: Leslee Hamilton
Sterilizer: John Davis
Ward Coordinator: Laurie Steckel
Recreational therapist: Dale Green
Mission Director: Randy Floyd
Assistant Mission Director: Cyndie George
Photojournalist: Lee Rosalie Hicks
Assistant Photojournalist: Karen Janicki
Surgical schedule consists of 5 procedures for each medical team, totaling 15 daily. Days are long, nights are short. Transportation arrives at 6:15am, transporting the entire group to the hospital. Everyone springs into action. Preparation of surgical rooms, PACU, sterilization of equipment, medical records are updated.
Dr. David Low, John Lydon, Anesthesiologist, and one of the hospital staff prepare for surgery.
Houng Le Nguyen, Anesthesiologist, Gina Brown, OR Nurse, Stephan, Interact volunteer, and one of the hospital staff prepare a patient for PACU.
Kelly Nose, PACU assistant.
Luzviminda Accos PACU nurse, Rosemarie Ricker OR nurse and a hospital assistant watch Dr. David Morwood performing surgery.
Young patient awaits surgery.
There is a quiet and efficient preparedness. Compassionate treatment is shown to every child, parent, family member. Professional courtesy is rule of the team. Families are provided waiting rooms. Once the surgical procedures is completed they are reunited with their children.
“There are two kinds of gratitude. The sudden kind that we feel when we take; The larger kind for that which we give”
– Edward Arlington Robinson