The team entered the Miller Health Institute Adventist Hospital ready to set up opening clinic shortly after 7:00 am. We were greeted by Rotarians from the Cebu Port Center Rotary Club along with another 20 volunteers who provided assistance in every aspect of the clinic. This is the 17th Rotaplast Mission to come to Cebu City. The experience of the Rotarians and volunteers are very much appreciated and helped to make today run smoothly.
One hundred and thirty patients with their families waited in the gymnasium after getting pre-registered by the hospital. Some families arrived as early as 5:00 am. Cebu Port Center Rotary Club advertised on the radio and in print as well as reaching out to families they knew had a child in need of surgery.
Once the clinic was ready, patients moved through various stations to be register, photographed, vitals taken and evaluated by the surgeons, anesthesiologists, pediatricians and finally, dental. Bob Arsenault and Jim Stone help with the photography during the registration process.
Nurse Paula Fillari, RN shows the pulse-ox machine while measuring a child’s oxygen level. While (below) Surgeon Hootan Deneshmand, MD evaluates a young baby being held by her mother and anesthesiologist Arun Rama, MD for a palate repair as nurse Irena Jaspar, RN looks on.
Every child in the clinic was examined by pediatricians Elizabeth Hawkes, MD (above) and Paula Rand, MD (below).
Head nurse Mia Pena, RN has the task of creating daily surgical schedules for the duration of the mission. Life changing surgeries begin tomorrow.