Wilson is an exuberant happy 5 year old child always ready with a smile. Yesterday, he was one of the first children who noticed my camera and posed for a picture several times. Wilson is old enough to be in school, yet his mother has kept him out for fear that he would be bullied and teased if he was among other children. His parents were referred to Rotaplast by a neighbor whose child also has a cleft anomaly. Unfortunately, the neighbor’s child came down with a fever on clinic day which creates risk if he undergoes an operation. Wilson, however, will have his unilateral cleft lip repaired today.From the moment I met Nina, she has never shied away from the camera. At 5 years old, she has an outgoing engaging personality. This has helped her during her first year at kinder one school. Her parents, Marilyn and Ruchel describe her as having lots of friends at school. The family heard Rotaplast Cebu City mission advertised on Radio DYHP through an ad campaign sponsored by the Cebu Port Center Rotary Club. I think of how fortunate Nina is that someone was listening to the radio at the right time. Her life will be forever changed because of that one radio advertisement that brought her to Rotaplast.
Next Posts from This Mission
Surgical Day Two
Cebu City, Philippines
Fans whirl and dot the gymnasium, known to us as the pre-op and post op wards. It’s 7:00 am and humidity hangs in the air. Babies and children from yesterday’s surgery wait for Rotaplast do... Read More »
Surgical Day Three
Cebu City, Philippines
8 month old Julie is in happy spirits despite the heat and her hunger as she sits with her parents Jose and Jelyn. She is the youngest of four siblings and the only one in her family born with a Read More »
Meet Brothers John ...
Cebu City, Philippines
John, aged 4 and Jade, age 7 are two of 8 siblings. They were both born with a cleft lip and cleft palate. The year Jade was born, his dad, Jeber saw an advertisement on TV for Rotaplast. The family Read More »
Latest From Around The World
A Special Conclusion in S...
Sylhet, Bangladesh
Today marked the final day of our Rotaplast mission in Sylhet, Bangladesh, a day filled with completion and heartfelt farewells. The morning was dedicated to the post-clinic, where all patients were invite... Read More »
A Celebratory Conclusion ...
Sylhet, Bangladesh
Today marked the last surgery day of our Rotaplast mission in Sylhet, a day filled with emotions and a modest celebration. With the final operations completed, we successfully concluded this mission with a... Read More »
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