Stats about Cleft Lips and Palates:
Doctors don’t always know why a baby develops a cleft, though some may be related to genetic or inherited factors. Some environmental factors can increase the risk of a birth defect, such as:
- taking certain medicines during pregnancy
- not getting the right amount of prenatal nutrients
- exposure to some chemicals during pregnancy
- inheritance
Cleft lip and cleft palate (“oro-facial cleft – OFC”) can cause problems with:
- feeding
- growth and development
- ear infections and hearing
- speech development
1.2 out of every 1000 births world are born with a cleft lip or palate. In developing countries, the rate is 1 out of every 500, mainly due to poor nutrition and/or lack thereof. Considering the total cost that goes into comprehensive cleft care, every effort directed at the prevention of OFC is worthwhile.
Data shows that aid-supported healthcare programs have played a key role in cutting death rates in many developing countries. It is rewarding, not only to the recipients of the surgeries but to the Rotaplast team. From one corner of the world to another, we come together for one mission, saving smiles and changing lives.
Some members of the surgical team:
Surgeon Dr. Brad Coots and local OR Assistant Mr. Shankar performing surgery on a 19 year old young man.
OR Nurse Melody Falsis-Mittelbuscher.
Surgeon Dr. Paul Faringer
OR Nurse Sandra Swiatek
OR Nurse Dave Sparks
A Whole New World?:
We touch their hearts
So their lives start anew
A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view