Good afternoon, we started our day in the post-op ward hanging out with our patients who had surgery yesterday. Our Recreation therapist, Cyndie George, entertained the children with baby shark, otherwise known as tiburón bebe, coloring sheets. These coloring sheets inspired one of our patients, Wilson, to sing a special song for us, click on the link below to check out his beautiful voice:


Dr. Shay then spent time checking in our new patients with the help of our wonderful local translators!

We then headed back to the post-op ward to check on our patients. Here is Nurse Paula, Nurse Melanie checking with Daniel to be sure that everyone passed their covid tests for the day.

Our local hospital team assists us in many different ways. Here we have the team helping us check in with Elvis and Wilson who had their surgeries yesterday.

Nurse Paulette and I then walked over to the operating room area where we ran into Dr’s. Singleton and Hosseini who were thanking hospital translator, Maria Cruz, for all of her great help with our patients!


Nurse Cathy preps the OR for their first patient with help from the hospital Nurse Julia and next door Dr. Puya  and Nurse Yipi are preparing for their first patient as well.

 Back in the other operating room, Dr’s Charandip, Milton and Angelo are working on their first patient.

We then headed to the pre-op room to check in on our next patients. Maria Cruz was working with Nurse Paulette to explain to them what the surgery was going to be like and what to expect afterwards.

Back in the work room, Leslee is preparing the schedule for tomorrow and Cyndie is telling the rest of the team about all of the different activities she did with the patients today.