This morning, we visited our first group of patients recovering from lip and palate surgeries. The transformation was incredible!
The medical team, including surgeons and pediatric nurses, went from cot to cot, making sure the patients were doing well. They examined them, ensured they were eating and drinking, asked about any pain, and overall checked on their recovery progress. The relief and joy on the parents’ faces were evident, especially considering the anxiety they experienced on surgery day.
After the check-ups, our surgical team headed down to the second floor surgery center. There, the anesthesiologists were prepping equipment and patients for the second day of surgeries. Simultaneously, the pediatric nursing team, along with local nurses, gathered families being discharged in a half-circle. They discussed necessary care instructions and emphasized the importance of the post-op clinic scheduled for the upcoming Friday. During this clinic, the kids would be examined once again by our exceptional medical team.