There is nothing more precious than capturing the essence of a mother’s unconditional love. It is very inspiring to see how much a mother will endure to help her child. Mothers are not the only heroes here. We have all witnessed empathy and compassion from Head Nurse David Sparks and OR Nurse Stacy Bishop as they lovingly care for the children.
Elena Urego Beatriz, another hero is a government employee who escorts and stays with patients at the hospital from Mutata, Antioquia. She shared that the longest journey for a family was 8 hours. Families trekked 1-2 hours to get on the only bus out of the city at 8 am. Then they hopped on a 3-hour bus to transfer to a 1/2-hour bus supported by the government to get to the hospital.
This is what mothers do for their children. When the mothers and children leave us following surgery, the glow of relief and their smiles speak volumes. It is a priceless Mother’s Day gift, a smile, and a day they will cherish forever.