The "royal welcome" the Rotaplast team received in Udaipur Wednesday afternoon, quickly brightened road weary hearts.
The Udaipur Rotary Club has been preparing for the Rotaplast arrival for months, and that was evident by the enthusiasm to which we were welcomed. Scott , the other Scott , Nurse Carolyn, and QuarterMaster Tom posed for a welcome photo. (Above.)
Our transfer to Udaipur took well over 24 hours. We rested where we could.
Nothing could have been more perfect than the hospitality of our Udaipur friends, to prepare us for the days of clinic and surgery that are ahead. We are all so happy to be in Udaipur and ready to go to work.
Clinic begins later this morning and we know that the combined work of the Udaipur Rotary Club and the Rotaplast volunteers will bring many more smiles to the children of Udaipur in the days ahead.
Our accommodations are very nice. The food is terrific. At this writing all are well and anxious to get down to business. As you can see from the photo above, there is tremendous local support for our mission, and together we will be a great Rotaplast team helping the children of this city and surrounding villages.