Juan was one of the many volunteers that was indispensable to the success of the Rotaplast mission. He was special. His personality was infectious. He acted as an interface between the Rotaplast team and the patient. He loved working with the kids but was ready to do whatever was necessary. This is his story.
My name is Juan Pedro Hernández. I’m from Cumaná – Venezuela. I meet Rotary when I was 15 years old, I was starting to learn English and found the best way to practice was working with a Rotaplast Mission.
At that time I just fall in love with all the work, all the help, and all the little things that we can do to improve the life of a child.
Later in the time I found that “Rotaract” (Rotary in ACTion) exists! So I started with a group of friend that loves to volunteer our first Rotaract in Cumaná, and we did well!
So, some of my friends didn’t know how to speak in English and part of my work was to help them and teach them the little that I could know.
Right now Rotaract Cumaná is one of the best clubs in the District and me, the DRR (District Rotaract Representative), so, the work that started just as a volunteer now is a committed with my Rotary, with my people.
I will always love and thank Rotaplast for introducing me to this world, this is the kind of world that I love, and this is the kind of change that we need to do, to make it better.
My gift to the world is to help with others life.