They melt in your heart, not in your hands!

Today we have seen all the patients. We made the medical records and photographs, tested their state of health and spoke with them.

All lovely, sweet and nice kids with cleft lips, palates or severe burns. The team saw 112 children and people. We want to help them all, but we can’t. It breaks your heart…

Our Mission Director Randy Floyd is melting from the sight of those beautiful kids. He needs to hug them!

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People will travel from up to 800 kilometers, to benefit from our surgical mission. “We always will ‘see’ everyone”. Especially as they made such a trip (sometimes by foot). Some of the parents with kids have booked extra nights in ‘some accomodation’ to be sure they can stay and wait for all the surgery.

Mount Meru Hospital is a Government owned hospital. As a citizen you ‘normally’ go to that hospital. They are very happy with our mission. It is encouraging to find out that Tanzanian surgeons will be present in the OR to learn from our specialists. Very nice that besides operating and instant help, Rotaplast also provides a knowledge base for the future.



We are going to help a lot of people in the next couple of days.

-Ruben Veldman, The Netherlands