We have made it safely to Chittagong, Bangladesh! Thankfully after 20 hours of flying, 8 or so hours of “down time” and very little sleep for some in between we were welcomed with open arms and amazing hospitality by the Rotary Club of Agrabad, Chittagong as well as the Rotaract Club of the University of Chittagong.
Courtesy of our, North Bay Rotaract in Arcata, CA and Lost Coast Rotaract in Eureka CA, sister club Rotaract Club of the University of Chittagong along with Rotarty Club of Agrabad, Chittagong welcomed our group at the airport with flowers, handshakes, hugs and sweetly provided us lunches for our trip to the hotel. (Picture taken by the Rotary Club of Agrabad)
We journeyed to our hotel through the heart of Chittagong, an amazing experience indeed! The streets packed with work trucks, rickshaws, vans, people and the occasional car made the van ride quite an experience. Some down time was much needed once we got to the hotel where we were once again welcomed with wonderful hospitality by the hotel staff. Later that night we were officially welcomed by the Rotary Club of Agrabad at their club meeting by a beautiful dinner and reception which gave them a chance to get to know us while we got the chance to meet our hosts and learn more about this beautiful city and country.