Prior to a Rotaplast mission the most common question I am asked in a conversation with a friend frequently starts with the lead question, “So, where are you going next?”
When I say “Myanmar” the response invariably is, “Myanmar?…. Where is that?
“It used to be called Burma, it is in Southeast Asia, and it is a really, really long plane ride.”
Our Rotaplast team landed in Yangon after our long journey across the Pacific:
It seemed that all of Myanmar’s 51 million residents live here, but as soon as our bus left Yangon we were in the lush verdant countryside with rice fields reaching to the distant hills.
This is the monsoon season here in Myanmar, and a sunny day will turn into a downpour, and back to sunshine.
We don’t get to see much of the country while we are on a Rotaplast mission. But we did get a chance to see some of the country out the bus window on our five hour bus ride from Yangon to Naypyidaw the Capital of Myanmar. Did I mention it is warm and humid, and it rains a lot?

Brahman cattle
The cattle are a common site on the road side, and occasionally on the road.
Buddhist Temples are a common site.