Team work – Dr. Worland performing the final surgery of the day, a contracture release, Dr. Solis harvesting the skin graft, Dr. Gemberling and Head Nurse Sandy observe the procedure, releasing a contracture on the right hand.
Meet Akter. This young lady had a brand new infant when she experienced a horrible accident, a gas leak and explosion burned her face and torso.
Dr. Gemberling performed her surgery and she is recovering comfortably in the ward accompanied by her mother and child. Akter traveled three hours to receive this treatment.
Here is a photo of one family; the mom is one of 2 siblings with polydactyly (many/extra) with syndactyly (fused) on hands and feet; this was passed on to three of her six children. The family traveled 14 hours by train to participate in the Rotaplast no-charge clinic. The oldest son, age 15, is Al-Amin; his siblings Morjina, age 10; and Monir, age 11. The mom is so thankful we are here and the family intends to come next year for additional much needed treatment.
Ali-Amin recovering from surgery.
Monir awaiting surgery.
Sofia comforts a patient in the PACU.
Nurse Practitioner Karen meets with mom and child/patient with a local interpreter prior to surgery.
Marie Borders, President of Rotary Club of Ignacio, serving on her first Rotaplast mission hands out stickers to recovering patients.
The people, young and old, love having their picture taken! They know the English word SELFIE! We are enjoying meeting these wonderful children.
Although there is a language barrier, the hugs, smiles and the light in their eyes show us their gratitude.