Hujambo! (hello!) from Arusha, Tanzania…
Yes, the entire 20 member team made it safe and sound with all the 34 boxes to Arusha. It was truly special to get a surprise phone call before we left San Francisco from Dr. Angelo Capozzi to wish us well for the mission and to be greeted by Dr. Renee Vreuls (Lead Pediatrician from Holland) at Kiliminjaro airport, Arusha, Tanzania.
Above is a picture of the team that assembled in San Francisco…
Tom Fox (Mission Director), Dr. Neal Fleming (Anesthesiologist), Marguerite Fleming (PACU assistant), Dr. Melinda Costa (Plastic Surgeon), Dr. Puya Hossieni (Anesthesiologist), Kim Quintero (PACU Nurse), Ida Tang (Ward Coordinator), Hil Tantoco (Nurse Anesthetist), Ellen Adams (PACU Nurse), Debbie Dean (Head Nurse, not in the picture) and Jan Pridemore (OR Nurse).
Our flight to Amsterdam was on schedule, we met the rest of the team members, Dr. Devi Tantri (Plastic Surgeon from Akron, Ohio), Dr. Boony Thio (Pediatrician from Holland), Ted Alex (Quarter Master for this mission) from Boston, Dr. Todd Farnworth (Plastic Surgeon from Arizona) and his two daughters, Lindsay Minskin (Recreational therapist) and Jennifer Johanson (assisting OR nurses).
Tineka Hilgenga (Sterilizer) also met up with the team at Kilimanjaro airport, Arusha.