This wonderful team , led by mission director Tom Fox and medical director, Todd Farnworth is going to be very busy for the next 10 days; life changing procedures that will help these children and adults. People have traveled 1000 plus kilometers to seek free medical care as part of our mission.
We started our day by unpacking the boxes and getting ready for the pre-clinic.
The hall-ways of the Mount Meru Hospital were packed with families waiting to be checked-in for the pre-op clinic. Each prospective patient was evaluated by the medical staff to be sure they were healthy candidates for surgery. With the help of the local volunteers from the Moshi Rotary Club in Arusha, we made medical charts with photographs for all the prospective patients.
The team saw 80 children and adults ranging from 3 months of age to 90 years! We will work hard to help them all…be it cleft lip or palate or severe burn scars.