Featured photo is Team Surgeon Paul Faringer, MD supported by Team Medical Director Todd Farnworth, MD performing the first surgery of the mission. A lip repair on a 16 month old boy.
Early morning on Thursday 13 June the Rotaplast Team returns to the Mount Meru Regional Hospital to make ready the surgical suites, recovery room, sterilizing equipment, medical records area in the designated Hospital surgical area. For each work station boxes of needed supplies are unpacked and readied for the first day of surgery.
Photo above is Anesthesiologist’s Stephen Carlson, MD (left) and Tim Conahan, MD (right) begin preparation of the operating area. For this mission the Rotaplast Team will be in one Operating Room with two operating tables.
Photo is Team safety meeting. When the operating Room (OR) set-up was completed, then entire team assembled for a final safety briefing provided by Drs. Todd Farnworth, Team Medical Director; Robert Karoukian, Team Lead Anesthesiologist; Rene Vreuls, Team Lead Pediatrician and Head Nurse Kim Capps. This information, confirmation of protocols, emergency response and equipment available, last minute schedule changes, and confirmation that all work stations are staffed and ready to go.
Critical to any surgical procedure and operating room is cleanliness and sterilized equipment. Photo is Rotarian Kevin Wool, from District 5300 has taken on this responsibility to insure the surgical teams have needed sterilized equipment.
Supporting the operating room, the recovery room, supply inventory, is the Medical Records tasks to insure all is properly documented. Rotarian Patrick LeBrun, pictured about has relocated his work station from the first day screening clinic to the OR building adjacent to the OR/Recovery room making easy access for all.
Before and after surgery pictures.
The first patient for surgery is a 16 month boy with a very special mother. Living in the village of Ikonongo, she saw poster about the Rotaplast program in Arusha, a 1,000 Kilometers away. Ikonongo is due east of Arusha. Not to be discouraged by the distance, she walked with her son on her back for 21 KM, to a neighboring village where she was able to obtain transportation in a small bus-like van for a ride to another town 50 KM away. From there she boarded a large community bus for almost another 1,000 KM to reach Arusha. From there she walked to the hospital hoping for the best.
After a night stay with her son in the hospital ward, she prepares to head home. The Rotaplast team arranged for transportation to the bus station to start her journey home the way she came.
Pictured mother and child are Rotarian John Chase, Ward Coordinator and Mr. Kawkhe, who is supporting and a member of the Rotaplast Team.