On this Tuesday morning, amidst our busy medical mission in Sylhet, there was a palpable energy in the surgical department. Today, five surgeries were scheduled to correct open palates. These operations are complex, but crucial for enhancing the quality of life of our patients.
The day started early with a thorough round by our doctors and other medical staff. During this round, the progress of our patients was evaluated. It was encouraging to see that our patients, who had undergone surgery yesterday or even earlier this week, were doing well. Despite the swelling that follows such procedures, the overall trend was positive. Some patients still had to adjust to their new appearance and the changes from their condition, which is understandable after such a significant operation.
The surgeons worked with precision and empathy, fully aware of the impact of their work. Nine surgeries were planned and successfully executed, showcasing the expertise and dedication of our team. The post-operative care team was ready to support each patient during their recovery, which is crucial in the first hours after the surgery.
With tomorrow being the last surgery day of this mission, our team reflects on the successes and challenges of the past days. The atmosphere is one of mixed emotions—on the one hand, satisfaction over what we have achieved, and on the other, the approaching farewell to patients and colleagues who have come together for better lives.
As the sun sets over Sylhet, we prepare for the final day, determined to restore even more smiles and change lives. Another affirmation of the importance of our mission and the indelible impact we leave behind.