After a long journey, both the American and Dutch team members of Rotaplast International and Rotaplast The Netherlands have safely arrived in Bangladesh for our mission in Sylhet. The Americans began their journey in San Francisco and traveled an impressive 45 to 55 hours. Our Dutch colleagues departed from Amsterdam and Düsseldorf, with their travel time around 25 hours.

Following several flights and layovers, the entire team finally came together at the airport in Dhaka. There we were greeted not only by a warm reunion but also by the unification with our 31 boxes full of surgical materials. Collaboration and logistical precision were crucial in collecting everything quickly and efficiently.

Meeting of the Dutch and American in Dhaka Airport

On the airport of Dhaka we meet the Dutch and the American members of Rotaplast mission Sylhet 2025

Dhaka airport meeting of the Rotaplast team Sylhet 2025

Meeting at the Dhaka airport of the Dutch and the American members for the Rotaplast mission Sylhet 2025

After an extended break of about 8 hours at the airport, we continued our journey to Sylhet. Despite the fatigue, there was a sense of anticipation and excitement about the upcoming mission. Our final flight of the day, lasting an hour to Sylhet, where we were open-armed welcomed by the Rotaryclub of Jalalabad and whom safely brought us to our hotel by 7 p.m


Welcoming by the Rotaryclub of Jalalabad in Sylhet

Welcoming of the Dutch and American Rotaplast team by the Rotaryclub of Jalalabad on the airport of Sylhet

The exhaustion from the trip was quickly forgotten when we reached our rooms. The opportunity to dive into a comfortable bed was a welcome conclusion to this long travel day. With a sense of satisfaction over the safe arrival and excitement for what lies ahead, we look forward to starting our work here in Sylhet.

Cutting ceremonie welome cake from the Star Pacific Hotel in Sylhet

Mission Director Randall Floyd cuts the welcoming cake offered to the Dutch-American Rotaplast team by the Star Pacific Hotel in Sylhet