Hi, I'm Renee Paquier and I would like to invite you to join me on an amazing journey to Guatemala where our Rotaplast team will be conducting cleft lip and palate surgeries for over 100 children!!

Our team consists of 27 medical and non-medical volunteers. We will be spending the 11 days in Guatemala City meeting with over 200 children and adults, some who have come from over 12 hours away.

Our journey begins at the airport, March 10th, where we all met to get on the plane to fly to Guatemala.

Here are some pictures from that trip!

Julie, Ron, Sangita and Maria- airport

Dr. Julie Herndon, Dr. Ron Gemberling, Sangita Seshadri, and Maria Guldner.



Rick Waltonsmith, Lisa Barry RN, Debbie Dean RN, Dr. Rod Simonds, Jean Petro RN, Dr. Bryan Stamm.